
Summits & Symposia

The Raynor Cerebellum Project hosts regular events convening experts and collaborators in the field of cerebellar research. Our events bring together a diverse group of leading scientists who engage in collaborative brainstorming to develop innovative research directions with the potential to improve the lives of people with cerebellar disorder.

Big Ideas Summits

The RCP will create yearly gatherings for senior scientists to gather and exchange ideas about how to achieve the mission goals. These gatherings, Big Ideas Summits, will have a general theme but be a free-form open idea forum where the top experts across multiple fields can share ideas without the need to follow any agenda or protocol. No idea is too crazy.

  • Attendees will share their input and expertise to assist the RCP in deciding how to allocate funding in support of its mission to improve the lives of those with cerebellar disorder in as short a time as possible. Additionally, attendees will share the latest research ongoing at their universities as well as ideas that are currently developing that align with RCP’s focus and interest areas.
  • The result of these discussions has the potential to provide opportunities for their Universities to receive research grants to further RCP’s goals.
  • Big Idea Summits are different from other research conferences — there are NO speeches, no presentations of papers.
  • The Summits are a free exchange of ideas between the best scientists from a wide cross-section of fields that touch the cerebellum including cerebellar scientists, imaging experts, data scientists, AI leaders, geneticists, etc all with the goal of creating new ideas in support of the mission to improve the lives of those with Cerebellar disorder in as short as time as possible.
  • Funding will also be provided for Post-Doc/Graduate version of the Summits to allow a place for those younger but exceptional thought leaders to gather and exchange ideas to help push the mission goal forward.
  • Candidates for future funding will be identified primarily from attendees at these conferences. Summit attendees will be asked to form collaborations with other attendees across specialties as well as reach out to different labs with the expertise needed to get the job done.

“Why the Big Ideas Summit was such a novel idea” by Reza Shadmehr. Click here to view an article excerpted from the Journal of Neurophysiology


Click on the experts below to see what they had to say about the RCP Big Ideas Summit.

Dr. Aaron Batista
Dr. Aaron Batista
University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Scott Albert
Dr. Scott Albert
Chapel Hill
Dr. Stefan Lemke
Dr. Stefan Lemke
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Dr. Hui Yang
Dr. Hui Yang
Yale University
Systems and Molecular Neuroscience
Dr. Dan O'Shea
Dr. Dan O'Shea
Duke University
 Dr. Timothy Harris
Dr. Timothy Harris
Johns Hopkins University
Invasive Tech
Dr. Clément Léna
Dr. Clément Léna
 Dr. Abigail Person
Dr. Abigail Person
University of Colorado Medical School
Dr. Buz Jinnah
Dr. Buz Jinnah
Emory University
Dr. Nader Pouratian
Dr. Nader Pouratian
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dr. David Herzfeld
Dr. David Herzfeld
Duke University
 Dr. Amanda Brown
Dr. Amanda Brown
Baylor College of Medicine
Dr. Aditya Singh
Dr. Aditya Singh
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Gabriel Stine
Dr. Gabriel Stine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Michael Okun
Dr. Michael Okun
University of Florida Health
Dr. Lauren Hammer
Dr. Lauren Hammer
University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Eric Cole
Dr. Eric Cole
Emory University
AI / Machine Learning
Dr. Andreas Horn
Dr. Andreas Horn
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
 Dr. Omid Sani
Dr. Omid Sani
University of Southern California
AI / Machine Learning
Dr. Kanaka Rajan
Dr. Kanaka Rajan
Harvard University
AI / Machine Learning
 Dr. Marta San Luciano
Dr. Marta San Luciano
University of California San Francisco
Dr. Sergey Stavisky
Dr. Sergey Stavisky
University of California, Davis
Dr. Jeremy Brown
Dr. Jeremy Brown
Johns Hopkins
Non-Invasive Tech & Stim
 Dr. Noreen Bukhara-Parlakturk
Dr. Noreen Bukhara-Parlakturk
Duke University
Dr. Caroline Nettekoven
Dr. Caroline Nettekoven
Western University

Historical Summit Attendee Stats
